AffiPCR® CYP2C9*3 (A1075C) SNP Screening Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-164 | AFFIGEN
CYP2C9*3 (A1075C) SNP-Screen
RT-PCR test for detection of CYP2C9 gene mutation (Ile359Leu; rs1057910) ready to...
AffiPCR® CYP2C19*2 (G681A) SNP Screening Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-167 | AFFIGEN
CYP2C19*2 (G681A) SNP-Screen
RT-PCR test for detection of CYP2C19 gene mutation (rs4244285) ready to use 0,2 ml...
AffiPCR® SLCO1B1 (T37041C) SNP Screening Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-170 | AFFIGEN
SLCO1B1 (T37041C) SNP-Screen
RT-PCR test for detection of SLCO1B1 gene mutation (Val174Ala; rs4149056) ready to...
AffiPCR® PPARG2 (C34G) SNP Screening Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-171 | AFFIGEN
PPARG2 (C34G) SNP-Screen
Real Time PCR test for detection of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Gamma-2...