AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

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€241.00 - €1,087.00
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AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX) is a special premix for qPCR assays based on SYBR Green I fluorescence method. The core component, Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase, is a novel antibody-modified hot-start DNA polymerase with high specificity and detection sensitivity. Equipped with the optimized buffer for qPCR and specificity-promoting factors, it is very suitable for highly specific and sensitive qPCR assays. This product is a 2X premix reagent that contains SYBR Green I at an optimal concentration for qPCR. It can obtain a good standard curve in a wide quantitative range, and accurately quantify target genes with good repeatability and high reliability.


Components 500 Reactions 2500 Reactions
2X SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)*  4 × 1.25 mL 5 x 4 × 1.25 mL



It is applicable for the amplification and quantification of DNA samples from all species, including genomic DNA, cDNA, plasmid DNA and λDNA.

Applicable Instruments:

This product is not premixed with ROX Reference Dye to correct the fluorescence signal error between wells. It is suitable for the following qPCR instruments:

Bio-Rad CFX96, CFX384, iCycler iQ, iQ5, MyiQ; MiniOpticon, Opticon, Opticon 2, Chromo4; Cepheid SmartCycler; Eppendorf Mastercycler ep realplex, realplex 2 s; Illumina Eco qPCR; Qiagen/Corbett Rotor-Gene Q, Rotor-Gene 3000, Rotor-Gene 6000; Roche Applied Science LightCycler 480; Thermo Scientific PikoReal Cycler; and other qPCR instruments that not need to add ROX Reference Dye.


For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. 

  •  If white precipitate is found in the Master Mix after thawing, please place it at room temperature for a short while and invert the tube upside down several times to dissolve the precipitate before use.
  • Avoid repeated freezing and thawing, so as not to cause the decrease of enzyme activity. the amount of each use is small, it is recommended to aliquot Master Mix into small portions.
  • Please invert the Master Mix upside down several times to mix thoroughly. Do not vortex to avoid air bubbles, affecting quantitative results. The Master Mix is ready to use after mixing and centrifuging briefly. Gently pipette up and down during sample loading. If foam appears in the Master Mix due to careless operation, it needs to be centrifuged again before use.
  • As this product contains the fluorescent dye SYBR Green I, it should be stored away from light. Avoid strong light when preparing the reaction system.
  • This product has high detection sensitivity and is easily contaminated by aerosols in the air. Therefore, the reaction system should be prepared on an ultra-clean workbench. Please use sterilized pipette tips and reaction tubes during the preparation process. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use dedicated pipettes and filter tips.

Storage Conditions:

Store at -30°C ~ -15°C and protect from light. Transport at ≤0°C. After thawing, the Master mix can be stored stably for 6 months at 2°C ~ 8°C and protected from light.


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