

Product Category Product Name Catalog Number Size
AffiPCR® 2X Rapid Taq Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P222-01 5 mL (200 Recations)
AFG-VZ-P222-02 15 mL (600 Recations)
AFG-VZ-P222-03 50 × 1 mL (2000 Recations)
AFG-VZ-P222-04 10 × 5 mL (2000 Recations)
AffiPCR® Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase
AFG-VZ-P501-d1 100 U
AFG-VZ-P501-d2 500 U
AFG-VZ-P501-d3 1,000 U
AffiPCR® EVO HS Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase AFG-VZ-P504-d1 100 U
AffiPCR® Max Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase
AFG-VZ-P505-d1 100 U
AFG-VZ-P505-d2 500 U
AFG-VZ-P505-d3 1,000 U
AffiPCR® 2X Flash Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P510-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P510-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P510-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Max Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P515-01 1 ml
AFG-VZ-P515-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P515-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Flash Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P520-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P520-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P520-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Max Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P525-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P525-02 5 × 1 ml
AFG-VZ-P525-03 15 × 1 ml
AffiPCR® 2X Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-PK511-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-PK511-02 5 x 1 mL
AFG-VZ-PK511-03 15 x 1 mL
AffiPCR® Taq DNA Polymerase (Mg2+ plus Buffer)
AFG-VZ-P101-01 1,000 U
AFG-VZ-P101-03 10,000 U
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P111-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P111-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P111-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P112-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P112-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P112-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 3G Taq Master Mix for PAGE (Red Dye)
AFG-VZ-P115-01 5 mL
AFG-VZ-P115-02 10 × 5 mL
AffiPCR® Green Taq Mix
AFG-VZ-P131-01 5 x 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P131-02 15 x 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P131-03 50 x 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Plus Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P211-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P211-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P211-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Plus Master Mix II (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P213-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P213-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P213-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X LAmp Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P311-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P311-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P311-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X LAmp Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P312-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P312-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P312-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® One Step Mouse Genotyping Kit AFG-VZ-PD101-01 200 Reactions (50 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Blood Direct PCR Kit V2
AFG-VZ-PD103-01 50 Reactions (50 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-PD103-02 200 Reactions (50 µl/Reaction
AffiPCR® Plant Direct PCR Kit AFG-VZ-PD105-02 200 Reactions (50 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® PCR Enhancer AFG-VZ-P021-01 500 μL
AffiPCR® dNTP Mix (10 mM each)
AFG-VZ-P031-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P031-02 5 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® dUTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P033-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dATP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P034-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dTTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P035-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dCTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P036-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dGTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P037-01 1 mL
AffiCLONE® II One Step Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C112-01 25 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C112-02 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® MultiS One Step Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C113-01 10 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C113-02 25 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® Ultra One Step Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C115-01 25 Reactions
AFG-VZ-C115-02 50 Reactions
AffiCLONE® ClonExpress Ultra One Step Cloning Kit V2
AFG-VZ-C116-01 20 Reactions
AFG-VZ-C116-02 40 Reactions
AffiGEN® Express II Fast Mutagenesis Kit V2
AFG-VZ-C214-01 10 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C214-02 25 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiGEN® Express MultiS Fast Mutagenesis Kit V2
AFG-VZ-C215-01 10 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C215-02 25 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiZYME® T4 DNA Ligase AFG-VZ-C301-01 40,000 U
AffiCLONE® 5 min Universal Ligation Mix
AFG-VZ-C311-01 50 Reactions (10 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C311-02 100 Reactions (10 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® 5 min TA/Blunt-Zero Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C601-01 25 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C601-02 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® 5 min TOPO-Blunt Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C602-01 20 Reactions (2 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C602-02 40 Reactions (2 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® Ultra-Universal TOPO Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C603-01 20 Reactions (10 μll/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C603-02 40 Reactions (10 μll/Reaction)
AffiDYE® GelRed (10,000X)
AFG-VZ-GR501-01 0.5 mL
AFG-VZ-GR501-02 10 × 0.5 mL
AFG-VZ-GR501-03 100 × 0.5 mL
AffiDYE® DL2000 Plus DNA Marker
AFG-VZ-MD101-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD101-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiDYE® DL5000 DNA Marker
AFG-VZ-MD102-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD102-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiDYE® DL15000 DNA Marker
AFG-VZ-MD103-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD103-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiDYE® 100 bp DNA Ladder
AFG-VZ-MD104-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD104-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit V2
AFG-VZ-R211-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-R211-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (+gDNA wiper) V2
AFG-VZ-R212-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-R212-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (+gDNA wiper) V3
AFG-VZ-R312-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-R312-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR V2 AFG-VZ-R222-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V2 AFG-VZ-R223-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Select RT SuperMix for qPCR V2 AFG-VZ-R232-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Select RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V2 AFG-VZ-R233-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V3 AFG-VZ-R323-01 100 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® All-in-one RT SuperMix Perfect for qPCR V3 AFG-VZ-R333-01 100 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V4 AFG-VZ-R423-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
Single Cell Sequence Amplification AffiPCR® Single Cell Sequence Specific Amplification Kit AFG-VZ-P621-01 200 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® miRNA 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (by stem-loop)
AFG-VZ-MR101-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MR101-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® miRNA 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (by tailing A)
AFG-VZ-MR201-01 20 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MR201-02 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 5'/3' RACE Kit AFG-VZ-RA101-01 10 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 10X Universal Primer Mix (UPM) AFG-VZ-RA102-01 100 Reactions (5 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 2X PCR Mix
AFG-VZ-RA103-01 40 Reactions (25 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-RA103-02 200 Reactions (25 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-MQ101-01 125 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MQ101-02 500 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q311-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q311-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)
AFG-VZ-Q321-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q321-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q331-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q331-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q341-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q341-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q411-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q411-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)
AFG-VZ-Q421-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q421-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q431-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q431-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q441-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q441-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix Passive ROX
AFG-VZ-Q511-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q511-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q711-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q711-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q712-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q712-03 2500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® One Step qRT-PCR SYBR Green Kit V2 AFG-VZ-Q221-01 250 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit V1 AFG-VZ-Q222-01 250 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit V2 AFG-VZ-Q223-EN01 250 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
Host Cell Residual DNA Quantitative Detection AffiDETECT® ResiDNA Precise Quantitative CHO DNA Kit AFG-VZ-RD102-01 100 Reactions (30 μl/Reaction)
AffiDETECT® TUNEL BrightGreen Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A112-01 25 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A112-02 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A112-03 100 Reactions
AffiDETECT® TUNEL BrightRed Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A113-01 25 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A113-02 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A113-03 100 Reactions
AffiDETECT® Annexin V-FITC/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A211-01 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A211-02 100 Reactions
AffiDETECT® Annexin V-PE/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A213-01 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A213-02 100 Reactions
AffiCELL® CCK-8 Cell Counting Kit
AFG-VZ-A311-01 500 Reactions (10 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-A311-02 1,000 Reactions (10 μl/Reaction)
Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay AffiASSAY® Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit AFG-VZ-DL101-01 100 Reactions (100 μl/Reaction)
AffiDETECT® MycoBlue Mycoplasma Detector
AFG-VZ-D101-01 20 Reactions
AFG-VZ-D101-02 50 Reactions
AffiGEN® Myco-Off Mycoplasma Cleaner
AFG-VZ-D103-01 100 μl
AFG-VZ-D103-02 500 μl
AFG-VZ-D103-03 1,000 μl
AffiGEN® SuperFemto ECL Chemiluminescence Kit
AFG-VZ-E423-01 100 mL
AFG-VZ-E423-02 500 mL
AffiASSAY® BCA Protein Quantification Kit
AFG-VZ-E112-01 250 Reactions
AFG-VZ-E112-02 500 Reactions
AffiZYME® T7 Endonuclease I
AFG-VZ-EN303-01 250 U
AFG-VZ-EN303-02 1,250 U
AffiGEN® T7 High Yield RNA Transcription Kit
AFG-VZ-TR101-01 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-TR101-02 100 Reactions



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  • AffiPCR® Osteoporosis Real Time PCR Typing

    AffiPCR® Osteoporosis Real Time PCR Typing


    AffiPCR® Osteoporosis Real Time PCR Typing | AFG-SCC-208 | AFFIGEN Overview Osteoporosis Real-TM Typing NEW RT PCR test with melting analysis for detection of 16 osteoporosis- related genes mutations: COL1A1: -1997 C>A, COL1A1: 1546 (6252) G>T [Sp1...
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  • AffiPCR® CFTR Rare Mutations Detection Real Time PCR

    AffiPCR® CFTR Rare Mutations Detection Real Time PCR


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  • AffiPCR® TBEV, B.burgdorferi, A.phagocytophilum, E.chaffeensis / E.muris Real Time PCR

    AffiPCR® TBEV, B.burgdorferi, A.phagocytophilum, E.chaffeensis / E.muris Real Time PCR


    AffiPCR® TBEV, B.burgdorferi, A.phagocytophilum, E.chaffeensis / E.muris Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-109 | AFFIGENDescription: Real Time PCR kit for detection of tick-borne diseases Target Disease Type: Dangerous Infections Specific Application: Tick-Borne...
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  • AffiPCR® ARVI Screening Real Time PCR

    AffiPCR® ARVI Screening Real Time PCR


    AffiPCR® ARVI Screening Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-077 | AFFIGENDescription: Real Time PCR test for detection of Acute Resipatory viral infections Target Disease Type: Respiratory Infections Specific Application: Acute Respiratory Viral Infections Storage...
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  • AffiPCR® HPV genotypes 14 Quantitative Real Time PCR

    AffiPCR® HPV genotypes 14 Quantitative Real Time PCR


    AffiPCR® HPV genotypes 14 Quantitative Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-023 | AFFIGENDescription: Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection and genotyping of HPV (16, 18, 31,33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68) Target Disease Type: HPV Associated...
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  • AffiPCR® HIV Quantitative Real Time PCR

    AffiPCR® HIV Quantitative Real Time PCR


    AffiPCR® HIV Quantitative Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-017 | AFFIGENDescription: Real Time PCR Test for quantitative detection of HIV. Real Time PCR Test for quantitative detection of HIV Target Disease Type: HIV Associated Kits Specific Application: HIV...
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  • AffiPCR® Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) /Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) /HIV1/HIV2 Real Time PCR

    AffiPCR® Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) /Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) /HIV1/HIV2 Real Time PCR


    AffiPCR® Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) /Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) /HIV1/HIV2 Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-016 | AFFIGENDescription: Real Time PCR kit Target Disease Type: HDV Associated Kits Specific Application: Hepatitis G (HGV) Storage and Shipping : stock
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  • AffiPCR® Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Genotype Plus Real Time PCR

    AffiPCR® Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Genotype Plus Real Time PCR


    AffiPCR® Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Genotype Plus Real Time PCR | AFG-SCC-010 | AFFIGENDescription: Real Time PCR kit for detection of 1a,1b, 2, 3a, 4, 5a, 6 genotypes Target Disease Type: HCV Associated Kits Specific Application: HCV GenotypingStorage...
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