

Product Category Product Name Catalog Number Size
AffiPCR® 2X Rapid Taq Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P222-01 5 mL (200 Recations)
AFG-VZ-P222-02 15 mL (600 Recations)
AFG-VZ-P222-03 50 × 1 mL (2000 Recations)
AFG-VZ-P222-04 10 × 5 mL (2000 Recations)
AffiPCR® Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase
AFG-VZ-P501-d1 100 U
AFG-VZ-P501-d2 500 U
AFG-VZ-P501-d3 1,000 U
AffiPCR® EVO HS Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase AFG-VZ-P504-d1 100 U
AffiPCR® Max Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase
AFG-VZ-P505-d1 100 U
AFG-VZ-P505-d2 500 U
AFG-VZ-P505-d3 1,000 U
AffiPCR® 2X Flash Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P510-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P510-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P510-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Max Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P515-01 1 ml
AFG-VZ-P515-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P515-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Flash Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P520-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P520-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P520-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Max Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P525-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P525-02 5 × 1 ml
AFG-VZ-P525-03 15 × 1 ml
AffiPCR® 2X Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-PK511-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-PK511-02 5 x 1 mL
AFG-VZ-PK511-03 15 x 1 mL
AffiPCR® Taq DNA Polymerase (Mg2+ plus Buffer)
AFG-VZ-P101-01 1,000 U
AFG-VZ-P101-03 10,000 U
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P111-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P111-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P111-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P112-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P112-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P112-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 3G Taq Master Mix for PAGE (Red Dye)
AFG-VZ-P115-01 5 mL
AFG-VZ-P115-02 10 × 5 mL
AffiPCR® Green Taq Mix
AFG-VZ-P131-01 5 x 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P131-02 15 x 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P131-03 50 x 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Plus Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P211-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P211-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P211-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X Taq Plus Master Mix II (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P213-01 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P213-02 15 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P213-03 50 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X LAmp Master Mix
AFG-VZ-P311-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P311-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P311-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® 2X LAmp Master Mix (Dye Plus)
AFG-VZ-P312-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P312-02 5 × 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P312-03 15 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® One Step Mouse Genotyping Kit AFG-VZ-PD101-01 200 Reactions (50 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Blood Direct PCR Kit V2
AFG-VZ-PD103-01 50 Reactions (50 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-PD103-02 200 Reactions (50 µl/Reaction
AffiPCR® Plant Direct PCR Kit AFG-VZ-PD105-02 200 Reactions (50 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® PCR Enhancer AFG-VZ-P021-01 500 μL
AffiPCR® dNTP Mix (10 mM each)
AFG-VZ-P031-01 1 mL
AFG-VZ-P031-02 5 × 1 mL
AffiPCR® dUTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P033-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dATP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P034-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dTTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P035-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dCTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P036-01 1 mL
AffiPCR® dGTP (100 mM) AFG-VZ-P037-01 1 mL
AffiCLONE® II One Step Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C112-01 25 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C112-02 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® MultiS One Step Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C113-01 10 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C113-02 25 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® Ultra One Step Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C115-01 25 Reactions
AFG-VZ-C115-02 50 Reactions
AffiCLONE® ClonExpress Ultra One Step Cloning Kit V2
AFG-VZ-C116-01 20 Reactions
AFG-VZ-C116-02 40 Reactions
AffiGEN® Express II Fast Mutagenesis Kit V2
AFG-VZ-C214-01 10 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C214-02 25 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiGEN® Express MultiS Fast Mutagenesis Kit V2
AFG-VZ-C215-01 10 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C215-02 25 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiZYME® T4 DNA Ligase AFG-VZ-C301-01 40,000 U
AffiCLONE® 5 min Universal Ligation Mix
AFG-VZ-C311-01 50 Reactions (10 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C311-02 100 Reactions (10 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® 5 min TA/Blunt-Zero Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C601-01 25 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C601-02 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® 5 min TOPO-Blunt Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C602-01 20 Reactions (2 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C602-02 40 Reactions (2 µL/Reaction)
AffiCLONE® Ultra-Universal TOPO Cloning Kit
AFG-VZ-C603-01 20 Reactions (10 μll/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-C603-02 40 Reactions (10 μll/Reaction)
AffiDYE® GelRed (10,000X)
AFG-VZ-GR501-01 0.5 mL
AFG-VZ-GR501-02 10 × 0.5 mL
AFG-VZ-GR501-03 100 × 0.5 mL
AffiDYE® DL2000 Plus DNA Marker
AFG-VZ-MD101-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD101-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiDYE® DL5000 DNA Marker
AFG-VZ-MD102-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD102-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiDYE® DL15000 DNA Marker
AFG-VZ-MD103-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD103-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiDYE® 100 bp DNA Ladder
AFG-VZ-MD104-01 50 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MD104-02 100 Reactions (5 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit V2
AFG-VZ-R211-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-R211-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (+gDNA wiper) V2
AFG-VZ-R212-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-R212-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (+gDNA wiper) V3
AFG-VZ-R312-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-R312-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR V2 AFG-VZ-R222-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V2 AFG-VZ-R223-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Select RT SuperMix for qPCR V2 AFG-VZ-R232-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Select RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V2 AFG-VZ-R233-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V3 AFG-VZ-R323-01 100 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® All-in-one RT SuperMix Perfect for qPCR V3 AFG-VZ-R333-01 100 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) V4 AFG-VZ-R423-01 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
Single Cell Sequence Amplification AffiPCR® Single Cell Sequence Specific Amplification Kit AFG-VZ-P621-01 200 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® miRNA 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (by stem-loop)
AFG-VZ-MR101-01 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MR101-02 100 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® miRNA 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (by tailing A)
AFG-VZ-MR201-01 20 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MR201-02 50 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 5'/3' RACE Kit AFG-VZ-RA101-01 10 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 10X Universal Primer Mix (UPM) AFG-VZ-RA102-01 100 Reactions (5 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® 2X PCR Mix
AFG-VZ-RA103-01 40 Reactions (25 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-RA103-02 200 Reactions (25 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-MQ101-01 125 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-MQ101-02 500 Reactions (20 µL/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q311-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q311-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)
AFG-VZ-Q321-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q321-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q331-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q331-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q341-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q341-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q411-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q411-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)
AFG-VZ-Q421-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q421-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q431-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q431-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)
AFG-VZ-Q441-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q441-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix Passive ROX
AFG-VZ-Q511-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q511-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q711-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q711-03 2,500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix
AFG-VZ-Q712-02 500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-Q712-03 2500 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® One Step qRT-PCR SYBR Green Kit V2 AFG-VZ-Q221-01 250 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit V1 AFG-VZ-Q222-01 250 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
AffiPCR® One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit V2 AFG-VZ-Q223-EN01 250 Reactions (20 μl/Reaction)
Host Cell Residual DNA Quantitative Detection AffiDETECT® ResiDNA Precise Quantitative CHO DNA Kit AFG-VZ-RD102-01 100 Reactions (30 μl/Reaction)
AffiDETECT® TUNEL BrightGreen Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A112-01 25 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A112-02 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A112-03 100 Reactions
AffiDETECT® TUNEL BrightRed Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A113-01 25 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A113-02 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A113-03 100 Reactions
AffiDETECT® Annexin V-FITC/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A211-01 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A211-02 100 Reactions
AffiDETECT® Annexin V-PE/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFG-VZ-A213-01 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-A213-02 100 Reactions
AffiCELL® CCK-8 Cell Counting Kit
AFG-VZ-A311-01 500 Reactions (10 μl/Reaction)
AFG-VZ-A311-02 1,000 Reactions (10 μl/Reaction)
Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay AffiASSAY® Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit AFG-VZ-DL101-01 100 Reactions (100 μl/Reaction)
AffiDETECT® MycoBlue Mycoplasma Detector
AFG-VZ-D101-01 20 Reactions
AFG-VZ-D101-02 50 Reactions
AffiGEN® Myco-Off Mycoplasma Cleaner
AFG-VZ-D103-01 100 μl
AFG-VZ-D103-02 500 μl
AFG-VZ-D103-03 1,000 μl
AffiGEN® SuperFemto ECL Chemiluminescence Kit
AFG-VZ-E423-01 100 mL
AFG-VZ-E423-02 500 mL
AffiASSAY® BCA Protein Quantification Kit
AFG-VZ-E112-01 250 Reactions
AFG-VZ-E112-02 500 Reactions
AffiZYME® T7 Endonuclease I
AFG-VZ-EN303-01 250 U
AFG-VZ-EN303-02 1,250 U
AffiGEN® T7 High Yield RNA Transcription Kit
AFG-VZ-TR101-01 50 Reactions
AFG-VZ-TR101-02 100 Reactions



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  • AffiPCR® Green Taq Mix

    AffiPCR® Green Taq Mix


    €30.00 - €230.00
    AffiPCR® Green Taq Mix AffiPCR® Green Taq Mix only needs to add primers and templates to perform amplification reactions, which reduces errors caused by pipetting operations and improves throughput and reproducibility of results. The optimized buffer...
    €30.00 - €230.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €30.00 - €230.00
  • AffiPCR® Taq DNA Polymerase

    AffiPCR® Taq DNA Polymerase


    AffiPCR®  Taq DNA Polymerase AffiPCR® Taq DNA polymerase is a hot-start Taq polymerase obtained by mixing Champagne Taq antibody with Taq DNA polymerase in an optimal ratio. Due to the unique thermo stability of Champagne Taq antibody, the activity of...
    Qty in Cart: 0
  • AffiPCR® dNTP mix (25mM each) UltraPure

    AffiPCR® dNTP mix (25mM each) UltraPure


    €300.00 - €320.00
    AffiPCR® dNTP mix (25mM each) UltraPure The AffiPCR® dNTP mix (25mM each) UltraPure is a highly reliable amplification reagent that offers superior efficiency and specificity for PCR. Its ultra-pure quality ensures successful results with minimal...
    €300.00 - €320.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €300.00 - €320.00
  • AffiPCR® dNTP mix (10mM each) UltraPure

    AffiPCR® dNTP mix (10mM each) UltraPure


    €300.00 - €308.00
    AffiPCR® dNTP mix (10mM each) UltraPure AffiPCR® dNTP mix (10mM each) UltraPure is a distinguished product that provides a reliable source of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates for PCR and other enzymatic applications. Each component has been qualified...
    €300.00 - €308.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €300.00 - €308.00
  • AffiPCR® dUTP (100mM)

    AffiPCR® dUTP (100mM)


    €300.00 - €320.00
    AffiPCR® dUTP (100mM) AffiPCR® dUTP (100mM) is a high-quality uracil-N-glycosylase-activated nucleotide designed for use in PCR applications. This product contains dUTP at the concentration of 100mM and offers superior quality and reliability for use in...
    €300.00 - €320.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €300.00 - €320.00
  • AffiPCR® dATP (100mM)

    AffiPCR® dATP (100mM)


    €300.00 - €320.00
    AffiPCR® Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (Chemically modified) is a reliable polymerase featuring convenient and efficient hot start technology. The chemically modified enzyme effectively reduces non-specific amplifications and primer-dimer formation for...
    €300.00 - €320.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €300.00 - €320.00
  • AffiPCR® Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (Chemically modified)

    AffiPCR® Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (Chemically modified)


    €344.00 - €14,068.00
    AffiPCR® Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (Chemically modified) AffiPCR® Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (Chemically modified) is a reliable polymerase featuring convenient and efficient hot start technology. The chemically modified enzyme effectively reduces...
    €344.00 - €14,068.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €344.00 - €14,068.00
  • AffiPCR® Rnase Inhibitor

    AffiPCR® Rnase Inhibitor


    €313.00 - €2,111.00
    AffiPCR® Rnase Inhibitor AffiPCR® Rnase Inhibitor is designed for optimal performance when used in real-time PCR assays. It offers a high specificity and effectively protects against RNase activity, allowing for accurate analysis of data. Its highly...
    €313.00 - €2,111.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €313.00 - €2,111.00
  • AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V1

    AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V1


    €326.00 - €508.00
    AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V1 AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V1 is an efficient, convenient enzyme solution for PCR-based amplification of templates up to 12 kb. This enzyme is suitable for a wide range of general PCR applications. It offers high...
    €326.00 - €508.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €326.00 - €508.00
  • AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V2 (High Concentration)

    AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V2 (High Concentration)


    €495.00 - €3,560.00
    AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V2 (High Concentration) AffiPCR® Bst DNA Polymerase V2 (High Concentration) provides high efficiency and robust amplification of up to 8 kb fragments for PCR applications. Its high affinity to template DNA ensures robust and...
    €495.00 - €3,560.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €495.00 - €3,560.00
  • AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Colorimetric Master Mix (Red/Yellow)

    AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Colorimetric Master Mix (Red/Yellow)


    €301.01 - €303.00
    AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Colorimetric Master Mix (Red/Yellow) AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Colorimetric Master Mix (Red/Yellow) offers a reliable and sensitive alternative to PCR for the detection of RNA viruses. It features an advanced detection system, allowing for...
    €301.01 - €303.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €301.01 - €303.00
  • AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Fluorescent Master Mix

    AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Fluorescent Master Mix


    €301.00 - €303.00
    AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Fluorescent Master Mix AffiPCR® RT-LAMP Fluorescent Master Mix offers fast and accurate detection of nucleic acid targets. This mix contains all the reagents necessary for real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP). Using...
    €301.00 - €303.00
    Qty in Cart: 0
    €301.00 - €303.00
  • Total: items /

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